
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Muuta VS Thors Magic Box

The point of this guide is to show you how to exploit the fact that unlike siege tanks, the thor’s splash radius is EXTREMELY small, and only really takes effect when mutas start to overlap and stack.

The SC2 Magic Box

In BW you could use magic boxes for spell spread, among other things. In sc2 we have smart casting so that isn’t important, the application this time will be to maintain a unit spread. The magic box is basically an invisible box that fits around your selected units. If you right click inside the box, your units will try to bunch up at that location. And if you right click outside the box, they will maintain formation and hence retain unit spread.

[image loading]

(it’s actually more of a square but from that angle I had to make it a rectangle.)

What's better is that the unit spread is automatic. You know when you bunch up a group of mutas and they start to diverge on their own? Once they reach THAT spread, THAT is your anti-splash damage formation. The thor’s splash damage is literally that small. See that picture up there? That is all the spread you need to completely eliminate splash damage. And you don’t need insane micro skills to maintain it. Just bunch them up once, wait until they diverge, and move them out, being sure to always click outside the box.

There is more to magic boxes though. In particular they have a maximum size depending on whether air or ground units are selected. If the selected units exceed the maximum size of the box, they will always lose formation no matter where you click. Fortunately the air box is MUCH bigger than the ground box. Mess around with about 4 zerglings and see how much you can spread them and move them while keeping formation. They don’t spread a whole lot. Air units are very different. I have found that I can keep a formation of 36 mutas without them getting outside the box. If you go above that number you’re risking one of them getting outside the box, and the result will be all of them bunching up during a move. It’s safest to keep your numbers lower than 36. So just keep an eye on that.



[image loading]

DO NOT. I REPEAT DO NOT, attack thors by simply right clicking them from a distance, or this is what you will see. I shake my head in shame whenever I see this. (Although as a terran player it does make me a happy camper).


[image loading]

The idea is to move, park, and fire. Let’s say I want to pick off 2 thors with 10 mutas. First I get them in formation. To do this bunch them up and let them diverge into a nice little circular cloud (you should only have to do this once before moving out). Second, once you see the thor, FORCE MOVE to a point past the target thor. Once your mutas have clouded over the thor, attack the target thor, and ideally you will see your mutas get this nice momentum where they do an attack before they come to a complete stop, it’s very important that your mutas are all in range before you attack. Otherwise they could bunch up slightly. As you focus one thor down, watch to see if another thor is accumulating glaive damage. Kill that one next. If he is very close to the other thor you may not even need to force move your mutas. Additionally, you may find it difficult to click on the thor when your mutas are surrounding it. This is actually a very important issue, because if you click on one of your mutas or the ground right next to him on accident, the results will be disastrous. The solution I have found is to just hit “end” on the keyboard or use your mouse scroll to get a better angle. I know it’s awkward and not very pro but it’s much safer. You will find that it gets harder to do this with no bunching as your numbers get bigger. A bit of practice on a unit tester couldn’t hurt you there.


These are by no means proven, but I have found that at about 18 mutas, you’ve reached a critical mass where mutas are even with thors at a 3:1 ratio. So 18 mutas is about even with 6 thors. Do the math: 300/300/6 is even with 300/200/6, even when the latter is supposed to be a counter and the sole AA in a mech army I might add. As you get lower in mutas, the ratio gets bigger. As you get higher, the ratio gets a little smaller. Using this tactic, 4 mutas is basically even with one thor. This does not take into account upgrades but I will discuss them further down. Again I want to stress these are by no means proven. Results have varied tremendously before. Perhaps the mutas bunched sometimes and I missed it. Perhaps the thors were doing an absurd amount of overkill, causing their DPS to plummet. No less, the technique makes a gigantic difference in the LIFESPAN of your mutas while they’re around thors. This enables them to harass more effectively when the terran is using thors as his primary air defence, and much more.

Now some important figures: with no upgrades on either end, thors kill mutas in 3 hits. Thors with level 1 weapons and mutas with zero armor still kill mutas in three hits. With level 2 weapons, thors kill mutas in two hits unless the mutas have level 1 armor, then it takes 3 again (In this case mutas will have ONE HP left after the second hit due to that instant point of health regen).

Meager Analysis

What can the terran do? Certainly armor for thors will help as the glaives hit multiple times. But a better tactic is just spacing out the thors and taking advantage of their range. This will increase the time it takes for the mutas to get from one to the other, and eliminate glaive damage to an extent. Also, make good use of your SCVs.

What can the zerg do extra? Possibly get corrupters and use corruption to help the thors go down faster. Don’t necessarily target the thors. If you can pick off his tanks, you can pave the way for your ground army to mop the floor with everything else, which leads to the next point. Obviously don’t make ALL mutas unless you can see he’s really short on thors or AA in general.


  1. That's pretty epic. Will have to try this.

  2. interesting stuff. i never really took splash damage into consideration, but then again I'm pretty new to SC2

  3. thanks for the info very helpful

  4. Haha, I loved the guide man. The illustrations were just classic. I haven't played SC2 yet... I think I'm still a bit enraged about Ghost never seeing the stores.

    Fuck Blizzard.

    Oh, and I'm getting SC2 now, you bastard.

  5. Thanks for the guide! new to sf2. Maybe I can use your guide on my site? :)<3 haha.

  6. Wow! That was extremely useful. I just won a game muta vs thor using this guide! :)

  7. Graphics are crazy these days! I still remember when I was wowed by SNES games!

  8. Honestly would have never known that had I not read this blog.

    I'll be checking here every day or so for more cool tips.

  9. great post thanks for sharing man, always looking forward to reading these tips

  10. No one will ever control Mutalisks as well as Jaedong.

  11. hmm, nice info, will help my zerg muta strat

  12. grea pics :) MS Paint Rules :))

  13. Hey dude, great tip. I always get slapped ZvT. I'll be sure to visit again sometime ;).

  14. Cool pics, is that Photoshop?! Haha! Looks interesting, though.

  15. looks like a sick game but im way to cheap to pay for games XD.

  16. bookmarked for future reference!

  17. Damn dude I tried starcraft but I couldnt get good at the online, too much quick strategy that I never got accustomed to..

  18. sweet thx for the advice...nice blog layout also

  19. Nice tips. My mutas use to always get destroyed by thors.

  20. Will have to try this out. Thanks for the tip.

  21. interesting... will try sometime...

  22. Great tactics, i sometimes fall prey to these mistakes

  23. thors always bust my balls in 2v2, great to see this as i play zerg almost all the time

  24. I notice you spend alot of time writing this so you must realy be in to it.


  25. wow.. I'm glad you explained this. Keep up the info and I'll be diamond league in no time :P

  26. i wish i had sc2 so i could try this out..unfortunately my laptop can't handle it. maybe sometime in the future i'll be able to use this info haha thanks.

  27. Totally saw Psystarcraft put this up on youtube, very useful for Zerg players, otherwise their mutas get fucking raped! Keep updating with SC2 stuff, I'm trying to get better :)

  28. StarCraft is very complicated xD I'll stick with Final Fantasy XIV!

    :3 300 APM is hard to get xD

  29. This is interesting I'll have to try it out later.

  30. Ok, now that is useful but can you make a youtube video for a more in depth guide??


  31. starcraft is the shit man..... i need to play more

  32. I'll have to check back often to get some more protips, I suck at real time strategy games.

  33. haha awesome will respect that strategy

  34. wow. i stopped playing zerg because thors would rape anything i threw at em. Thanks!

  35. getting the game soon. following u for advice. im still playing the sc1 campaign. lol

  36. tactics have changed since the last one. Seems more fun this way though instead of mad rush. looks to be fun times messing with different squads on different fronts.

  37. I know your exact frustration. Right clicking blindly is all i see people doing lately. Hopefully they will learn with trial and error.

  38. great tips bro! Keep up the good work!

  39. cool tips, gonna try them soon

  40. trial and error is the only thing that will solve this problem. will written. thanks for this :)

  41. Jesus this game has so many technical aspects that it is ridiculous xD
